Performance Attire

When musicians perform, they must not only exhibit superb musicianship, but must also display visual excellence that says, “Look at us, not only do we sound great, but we look great too!” That is called “Stage Presence.” Over the past number of years, groups from nTyme have received many top awards for their musical performances.

nTyme’s performance attire rules are similar to those followed by professional orchestras. All students must have appropriate hair, make-up, and accessories. No bright-colored hair, outrageous hairstyles, excess or costume make-up or accessories that will detract from the performance.
The music is the focus of the performance, not the performer.


The following attire is appropriate for all performances (unless otherwise determined by the Director):

  • White long sleeve, button shirt (black long sleeve, button shirt for NTYCO and Community only)
  • Black dress pants or slacks - NO shorts
  • Long black tie
  • Black tuxedo or suit (for orchestra only, as determined by Director)
  • Black socks
  • Black dress shoes (no tennis shoes, sandals or flip-flops)


The following attire is appropriate for all performances (unless otherwise determined by the Director):

  • White blouse (black blouse for NTYCO and Community only)
  • Black pants or skirt (knees must be covered when sitting) - NO shorts or mini-skirts
  • Black concert dress (knees must be covered when sitting)
  • Black nylons, tights, or socks (skin-tone colored nylons are acceptable)
  • Black dress shoes (no tennis shoes, sandals or flip-flops)
Any performer wearing attire not in accordance with the above may not be allowed to perform.

Performance Etiquette for Adults:

Watching your child perform is the thrill of a lifetime for a parent. Your presence is a strong affirmation of your support for your child and the music program. In order to make the moment special for everyone, please consider the following:

  • If you arrive late or leave early, please enter and exit the auditorium between selections.
  • Refrain from conversation while the students are performing.
  • Make sure all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off or in “silent” mode and that all alarmsare turned off during the performance.
  • If younger children become disruptive, please take them outside.
  • Avoid walking in front of the performing group.
  • Please no flash pictures while the students are performing.
  • If videotaping is allowed, please do not block the view with equipment (iPads, large cameras, etc.)for the audience members around you.
  • Do not consume food or beverages in the auditorium.
  • Please do not leave as soon as your child’s portion of the concert is done. All students deservean audience, and students enjoy watching their friends and siblings perform, so we encourage allfamilies to stay for the entire concert. The performers will appreciate it and you will enjoy greatmusic performances!
  • Show your appreciation with applause!

For the purposes of the students' safety and for performance management, we ask that parents drop off their student(s) at the venue's "green room," but not remain there. Students will be monitored by designated nTyme personnel.